Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Oliver T's thoughts on execution

This week i am writing about a vidio that the pakistan taliban filmed as a warning to the pakistan army oporating near the afgan boarder. The vidio consisted of the pakistan taliban (TTP) executing 15 members of the pakistan army. They said it was to avenge there fallen brothers who had been killed in the khyber agency.It started with a Army soldier explaning how the TTP had over run there fort , killed a sentary and captured the soldiers with there weponry. While the soldiers sead this you could hear the TTP chanting "we will cross all limits to avenge your blood" refering to the fallen fighters. Next one of the TTP put a clip in his AK47 and fires a few rounds in to the back of a soldiers head. They then yell "God is greatest" Other TTP members take it in turns to shoot the remaining soliders. The victims were recoverd and given a funeral with full military honours.

This story remindes me of how Jesus was executed by people who thought they were doing the right thing and how the soliders didn't do anything wrong. I hope this injustice will not be repeated again.

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