Friday, 9 March 2012

Lucie thinks about famine in Africa

Slow Response to East Africa Famine cost lives
In Africa there have been thousands of needless deaths because other countries around the world failed to react to early warning.
Oxfam and save the Children say it took more than six months for aid agencies to act on warnings to help east Africa to food and clean water. But sadly the aid agencies have not acted as quickly as they should have. So between 50,000 and 100,000 people have died in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia.
They also say part of the problem is that the government of Kenya and Ethiopia were unwilling to admit the scale of disaster, but also the aid agency staff felt they had seen the problem many times before in the past .
In the book of the bible said Jesus fed 5,000 starving people but he only had five loves and two fish, to day people would say that was a miracle. So if Jesus was her today he would probably have helped all those hungry starving people out in east Africa so aid agencies should have at least tried to react a bit sooner and help semen of the people out in east Africa. The story in the bible relates to the story about the hunger in east Africa because there was lots of hungry person Jesus was trying to feed and there were lots of hungry people out in east Africa.     

Friday, 24 February 2012

Sophie's holiday notes

This week whilst all my friends are back at school I have set off for another weeks holiday to Tortola in the British Virgin Islands, which for those who don't know are a group of island in the Caribbean. After a long day travelling we landed about two hours after we should have and were met by our friend who took us out for a meal and then to our villa. Sunday we had a relaxing day on the beach. Monday was more interesting because my brother my dad and I got a ferry over to the baths and spent a day there. On the way back a woman on a stretcher had to come onto the boat because she need to get to the hospital which was on Tortola, what i found very interesting was the man who was traveling with her had to pay for him and the girl to cross. If I was the man collecting the money i would have let them ride for free because the woman obviously need help and she had no choice but to cross on the ferry to get to the hospital. Then that night we went to eat at a curry restaurant which was very stressful because our starters came an hour after we ordered them and we were the only ones there, our mains then came before we had a chance to eat the starter. Tuesday we then went to another beach but my mum and her friend stayed behind because it was to hot fir them but in actual fact it rained and was extremely cold. Then on Wednesday my dad, brother, our friend Gary and I went snorkelling with another couple from our hotel. Seeing all the amazing fish made me think about what it would be like to be another animal besides a human (like a fish). then we went to lunch on the Willy T which is a boat moored up which has been converted into a restaurant and bar with a dance area and a top deck. Then more snorkelling and back to the hotel. What I really find amazing here is the speed at which the locals drive, they drive scarily fast and overtake you at the worst time like going round a corner. Also driving along you see so many things you would never see in england like men carrying machetes around and cars left on the road side with plants growing in/around them because they are not used anymore. The state of the local peoples cars are amazing, so battered and broken, rear bumpers with dents and scratches, wing mirrors held on with tape, no lights because they are broken and at night they can't be seen so they are more likely to cause an accident, number plates hanging by one screw. They just don't seem to care and if it works then they believe everything is alright, which i suppose is true if something works why throw it away if it is a little broken? Just fix it and keep on using it. 

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Precious thinks about Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston Dies Age 48
Whitney Houston was found dead at a hotel in Beverly Hills, California in a bath at her hotel. She was declared dead on February 11, 2012. The police have not yet found out exactly how she died but they believe it may have something to do with pills found in her room that where purchased froma local pharmacy. She is believed to have taken the pills then she may have accidentally drowned in the bath because of the pills she had taken. This has to do with the bible because people in the Bible died and they were remembered by their families and friends and Whitney Houston will also be remebered always by everyone.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Oliver considers knighthood

I am writing about the story in the news where the head of the bank of Scotland Sir Fred Goodwin is possibly loosing his knighthood. In 2008 Sir Fred Goodwin lead the bank of Scotland to the brink of collapse so the bank had to become national and the tax payer had to save it by spending £45 billion. Now Edd Millerband says his knighthood should be removed because he got it for banking and Sir Goodwin is "desecrating the reward."

If Jesus was alive now I think he would be knighted because he healed loads of people and unlike the roman times I think we would understand what he stood for. Although we may see it as treason as they used to because he called himself the king of the Jews.

Charlotte thinks about Charles Dickens

Prince Charles laid a reath on the authors grave, Charles Dickens as part of the service at Westminster Abbey. Ralph Fiennes, Claire Tomalin and Mark Dickens attended the service.  The royal family also visited Charles dickens museum in London which opened in 1925 in the house which the author lived in during the time period of 1837-1839. The royal family also got a private reading from a actress who played a part in one of Dickens great film. Her name was Gillian Anderson, she said that she was surprised on how the family reacted with fun and jokes. There was a service in Portsmouth when dickens was born. Here in Portsmouth wreaths were laid at his birthplace and Dickens great-great grandson, Ian Dickens, laid a wreath too.  Readings were read by Simon Callow(who read parts of David Copperfield) and Sheila Hancock ( who read from Oliver Twist) who were fellow workers and worked beside Dickens for quite a lot of his life. Meanwhile there was a 24 readathon taking place in countries like Albania and Zimbabwe.

Callowrefired to dickens desire to where he wanted to be buried. He said this:  "that when he was younger that he had made a really strong decision to come and live in the place where he was born rather than Westminster Cathedral where he never wanted to be." In the end Dickens was buried at Rochchester Cathedral where he was in peace with no publicity.

Judith Flanders also attended the service. She read from Bleack House and said that the whole thing was enormously moving. She then said that Dickens would have hated having all the fuss made about him as she thought that he was not that kind of person who liked to have a fuss made out of him. Someone else then added dickens humanity and compassion made a huge impact on Victorian England throughout his writing and novels. These novels still remain very popular with all age groups.

The BFI Southbank in London is holding a international readathon that will now be happening in Australia. The readings will be Dombey and son and will end with the Mastery of Edwin Drood. Susie Nicklin who organizes this event said 2 we are responding to the huge global demand from the audiences in 66 countries with whom Dickens has struck a chord as this themes and characters seem as fresh to them today as they did to the readers in the Victorian era.

Other events include the bi-centenary dinner in the Mansion House in London that happened on Tuesday night. Sir Patrick Steward read and Dickens newspapers were launched along with a ipad app for people to see the content of Dickens work.

All members of the Cabinet were given copies of Dickens work by the Culture Secretary Jeremy hunt to mark this amazing day. David Cameron was given Hard Times and Great Expectations.

At the weekend Claire Tomalin said "children did not have the attention span necessary to appreciate the authors work because they were being reared on dreadful television programmes."

I think Jesus would of enjoyed the day that was celebrated today. He would have been proud to have Dickens as part of the English Population as Dickens did so well with the thing he enjoyed most- writing. Jesus would also have been sad for Dickens family and friends who were remembering Dickens for his work but also for who he was as a person. Everyone behind their fame has feelings and a personality. This shows the feelings behind everyone when they have family and friends. Jesus would have wanted everyone to be different and show what they're like personally! 

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Wilf says Happy 200th Birthday Dickens!!!

Charles Dickens was born on the 7 February 1812. Charles was lived in Portsmouth for his early life and moved to London. His first novel was The Pickwick Papers. Most of his stories were posted in a weekly magazine and soon became very popular. He enjoyed the fame and popularity, which carries on to this day.  He is said to the greatest writer in the Victorian period and for some people, ever.

His anniversary was celebrated throughout the country and even in Bloxham School, when the English department dressed up in Victorian clothes and Mr Alexander read ‘the Death of Nancy’ to the school in assembly. A ceremony took place at Charles’ home in Portsmouth with readings from Simon Callow and Sheila Hancock. Prince Charles and Camilla attended a service at Westminster Abbey and laid a reef at his grave.

Charles Dickens was a Christian and brought it in a few of his books. I think that Jesus would be happy when we celebrate his birth just as we celebrate Jesus’ every year. Celebrating it in a church service was a respectful thing to do in the presence of God and for Charles as a Christian. 

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Holly thinks about meningitis jabs

A vaccine for childhood meningitus has been developed by scientists.  Like these scientists are healing people nowadays Jesus healed people in his time. I think if Jesus was around today he would be a scientists because in his times he was coming up with interesting theroys and ideas.  Very similar to moden day scientists.  This vaccine is to doctors and patients what Jesus was to his followers, he could save lives and so is this medicine.  This was so different for Jesus because meninigitus was completed undiagonsed and heard of uncurable in nomal cerumstances.  This puts into perspective the real healing powers of Jesus and how astonoshing it was at the time.  As scientists descoverd this jab it was based on scientific facts and reasoning.  But some people prefer to listen to the bible e.g God created the world rather than the big bang.  So I surppose some people won't believe in this medicine.  But then some people don't believe in Jesus.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Tom thinks about the recession

"The UK was staring down the barrell of another recession today after the economy shrank mpore than expected at the end of last year". This was the opening paragraph to an article in the Independent this morning.

The P M, Mr Cameron, described the performance as "disappointing" but i believe he is trying to pass the blame to someone else but he is the P M and he should take ultimate responsibility for everything.

The chancelor,Mr Osborne, said we need to "stick to the coalition government's austerity programme". I agree with Mr Osborne becauseif we keep changing the recovery plan it will just keep getting worse while the government mess around.

I think the solution to this is to raise taxes slightly so the government can start some government buisness meaning a rise in employment and in turn a greater income for the governement. With this extra money they could then start paying off some of our "substancial debts".

Jesus would aggrewith the tax increase because he agreed with it in his own period they were the emporer's coins and the moneyis the government's money.

Oliver T's thoughts on execution

This week i am writing about a vidio that the pakistan taliban filmed as a warning to the pakistan army oporating near the afgan boarder. The vidio consisted of the pakistan taliban (TTP) executing 15 members of the pakistan army. They said it was to avenge there fallen brothers who had been killed in the khyber agency.It started with a Army soldier explaning how the TTP had over run there fort , killed a sentary and captured the soldiers with there weponry. While the soldiers sead this you could hear the TTP chanting "we will cross all limits to avenge your blood" refering to the fallen fighters. Next one of the TTP put a clip in his AK47 and fires a few rounds in to the back of a soldiers head. They then yell "God is greatest" Other TTP members take it in turns to shoot the remaining soliders. The victims were recoverd and given a funeral with full military honours.

This story remindes me of how Jesus was executed by people who thought they were doing the right thing and how the soliders didn't do anything wrong. I hope this injustice will not be repeated again.

Charlotte considers the death of Gary Speed

Gary Speed died on Sunday 27th September 2011.

Gary’s friend Alan Shearer had spoken to Gary recently. Gary had said “not all is alright”.

He also sent a text message to his wife, Mrs. Speed, a few days before he killed himself. It said and talked in terms of “taking his life”.

Gary and his wife had just been to a party in the village, they returned home. Gary’s wife suggested that she would go for a drive. Gary shut the door and bolted it and said “you’re not going anywhere”. She went upstairs and lay on their bed for 5-10 minutes. She then decided that she would go for a drive to clear her head of thoughts.

She didn’t get very far, the end of the road, and then she turned back and drove home once again. She couldn’t get into the house so she slept outside in the car.

Mrs. Speed then went into the house in the morning around 7am. She found her husband dead, hanging from the ceiling in the garage.

After being stuck in the car she saw Gary hanging with while fabric around his neck, through the garage window. She called the children on the landline to let her in and then she called 911. It was too late.

A few villagers that knew Gary called him a man of a few words.

Jesus wouldn’t like Gary killing himself (nobody would) but it’s going against the 10 commandments. Jesus wouldn’t like Gary not liking his life either as Gods will is for everyone to be happy and have a good/fun life.

George thinks about Stephen Lawrence

The racial attacks on Steven Lawrence were recently brought into the news recently. Because of new technology discovering that Gary Dobson and David Norris, were guilty of the murder of the black teenager Steven Lawrence. The evidence they found was; Gary Dobson’s bomber jacket had traces of Steven Lawrence’s blood on it; also inside the jacket there were fibres from the teenagers clothes he was wearing on the night of the attack, Blood flakes of the young teenager were found on a ten pence coin in the pocket of the killer’s jacket; David Norris’ trousers were examined for blood but none was found. But soon after, forensic scientists examined the trousers a second time and yet again there were no traces of blood. But this time there were 2 pieces of 1mm long hairs that matched the DNA of Steven Lawrence.

This goes against Jesus’ teaching of “Love thy neighbour”. As a racial attack is hardly loving your neighbour. What really makes me angry about this story is that Steven Lawrence Couldn’t help the opinion people had about the colour of his skin. He was born with it, there’s nothing he could do about it. So what if someone has a different skin colour to you, it doesn’t affect you in any way, so get on with life. Everybody’s different.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Another Will on an old story

This blog is about the Chilean miners who bravely managed to survive in the collapsed mine for 65 days. Although this is an old storyline (as this happened around September 2010) I believe it to be one of the most memorable and inspiring. The miners survived from the support of the people- their families, friends, the rescue teams and in fact the media. Living only from the supplies being fed down the two bored holes these miners were finally rescued by a drilled shaft big enough the fit their specially designed “elevator” which bought the miners to their long awaited freedom. As they ascended the light ‘beamed down’ a blinding light as they came to meet hundreds of press, families re-uniting and millions astonished with what seemed as a miracle.

This story reminded me much of how Jesus healed a blind man at Bethsaida by spitting on his eyes and how these men were concealed in darkness- as if ‘blind’, then as if a miracle freed and on the surface, re-united. It also reminded me of how Jesus survived 40 days and 40 nights enduring mindless temptations and starving hours- and how he drowned this all out and kept his sanity.

Frances talks about knife robbery

This artical shows the amount of knife robbers increassing by 10% in England and Wales in a year. The statistics show that every 35 minites a knife carrying criminal holds up a victum, atempting to steal mainly smartphones or cash. 15,313 knife point robberies took place last year, of whitch about half took place in london.

My immediate reaction to this artical was reasonable upsetting to think that all the tax we pay to fund the police every year and is still rising, whilst the crimes happening are also rising is discusting.

40,000 burglarys happend last year also  a5% increase. We reley on the police to keep us safe and trust the goverment to make the rite desigons but if numbers keep rising how does the goverment expect us to trust them. Surly this will cause caose within the contrie. Not to mension the 7% increase in car theft. Whats the point in insurance if the teft is preventable in the first place.

Pickpoket in general atchually rose by 12% of nearly 600,000 whilst shed breakings rose by 15%. These numbers are big increases aswell.

The over all number of crime with in the last year was 1.4 million. This goes against the 10 comandments " thou shall not kill " and " thou shall not steal "

Polly's thoughts on the cruise ship in Italy

The cruise ship sinking disaster, killed only a few people. There were thousands of people on the ship, and some more to be found. They are still searching for people who are yet still missing. In the news they are saying the captain "Captain Coward" took the wrong root, and everyone is blaming him for it. His job was to make sure that everyone was brought to safety before him. But he did not do that he was selfish. He said that he "tripped" and fell into the rescue craft.

The captain on the ship evacuated all the passengers and the ship, an left them to suffer, taking a risk with their lifes. Now he has put himself into trouble and got arrested.

This is a bit like in the bible when Judas betrays Jesus, and leaves him to suffer and doesn't think about anyone else. I think that Jesus would of stayed and cared for people and made sure that they weren't in any danger and also Jesus would of made sure that everyone was at safety.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Max’s thoughts on the Leveson Inquiry:

The Leveson Inquiry is an on-going court case at the moment, that is looking at press intrusion in all areas of the media.

Had Jesus been alive today as a journalist I do not think that this Inquiry would ever have needed to have taken place. This is because it has come about from Newspapers and Magazines paying journalists and/or private investigators, to go undercover and phone tap or take photos of people when there most vulnerable. Take the case of the murdered school girl Milly Dowler who’s phone was tapped whilst missing. This lead the police and her parents to believe she was still alive. This meant it took the police a lot longer to find out what happened to her. I don’t think Jesus would morally have agreed with this or been part of exposing any of this information to the general public.

Magazine editors have also come under criticism for using pictures of celebrities where they were unaware they were having there picture taken. The Magazines like to point out certain features of these people such as weight loss/gain or plastic surgery for the readers amusement. I don’t think Jesus would have approved of this, as he preached that we should learn to love ourselves and each over  just the way we are.

I think Jesus would be upset to see the dishonest ways that today’s journalists use to get there information, especially as these stories are not always of the public’s interest. 

Lyndsey's reflections in yesterday's videoconference

Yesterday we did a video conference with another school in Palestine; it was really interesting I enjoyed it very much. We got to learn about the way we have different to each other about each other’s schools and the way they worship and different cultures.

We introduced ourselves and our school and described our school told them about all our sports and all our activities. In return they told us about their hobbies and how when coming into school or on the bus they would have to have an ID to get on over the border and into school. Outside their school they have a barrier and soldiers everywhere and are a great fear to them. A young boy about 13 years old, was in great fear of them and hates being around and it effects their life a lot. They would love to live without them.

A big shock to me was about, when they asked ‘do you find it hard to get resources in your school?’
We didn’t realise how hard it was for them we take it for granted what we have and how rich our school was and how easy it is to forget about other’s who don’t have what we do and that we would respect what we do have and keep them clean and good for as long as possible.

The last thing that I realised was how close we were as a school. In Palestine they have 2000 students and we only have around 400. As a school Bloxham is a tight unit and we work together well. But out in Palestine they have a very different approach to things and have so many students it would be hard to know them all and the school is much separate to each other.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

George (2)'s musings

This story is about a 22 year old man called Callum MacKay who decided to go swimming in Angalesey at Cable Bay in challenging conditions on the 24th of august last year. His friend, Lewis Darroch, who had not intended to go swimming saw his friend in trouble so he dived in to try and help him, Callum MacKay was washed out to sea and when Lewis Darroch tried to get back to shore the waves were to strong and he had to give up and he was washed out aswell.

Mr Darroch was recoverd by helicopter but was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital, Mr MacKay's body was found a week later. Mr Darroch was nominated for a posthumous bravery award by the carnegie foundation.

A story from the Bible which is a bit like this is when Jesus calms the storm however in this story everyone survives but in Angalesey 2 men died and one of them died in an act of kindness which is sort of like Jesus being crucified on the cross for mankind.

Monday, 23 January 2012

George's thoughts: Danny Care arrest

If I read the news it would often be the sports section. In further detail the rugby. A story that really caught my eye was the arrest of England scrum half Danny Care, Due to disorderly conduct towards the police because of a very high consumption of alcohol. He quoted “We had just played a tough game and I was out with some of the team and friends but should have remembered that, as a professional player, I am on duty throughout the season and need to set a better example to the fans." There have been many consequences of the young player’s foolishness including an undisclosed fine paid to his club (Harlequins) which was donated to the Teenage cancer trust. Danny Care’s slip up has cost him a place in the EPS (elite players’ squad) ahead of the 6 nations. He will be kicking himself as he missed a chance in the earlier world cup as he suffered a toe injury.

This story makes me think about the kind of role models that sportsmen are. There is always a negative to a person who possesses such a talent. It also made me think about would Jesus Be a sportsman. If yes what sport would he play? I’m sure that if he did it would not be a contact sport as he I’m sure would never set out to hurt anyone as he said in his teachings “Love thy neighbour”.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Lillie's post

Great Britain buys £2mil horse from Germany for the 2012 Olympics

The Great British Equestrian Team have recently bought, nine-year-old, Sanctos Van Het Gravenhorf, from Germany, for £2 million.

The jockey who is going to be this fantastic horse is Scott Brash, 26. Scott is a new rider for Team GB and has been riding since he was seven, 19 years. Even though Scott is only young, he is the number one Scottish Show Jumper, and is ranked 8th in Britain and he is also world ranked.

Lady and Lord Harris have also bought horses for Tina Fletcher and Laura Renwick, who are also top show jumpers, although not at this high price!

As soon as the rider and owners heard about this unbelievable horse they just had, “immediate instructions to get on a plane and go to try the horse with Scott in Germany”.

Scott said he was “very excited about it, the horse didn’t put a foot wrong when I tried it in Germany”.

The plan for this ‘team’ is that they will go to America and work away quietly, and then hopefully at the end of the tour they will be out there jumping some big classes!

Lillie forgot to tie the news in with a Bible story, so DMMH wonders what Jesus would make of all this.   After all, he was quite happy riding into Jerusalem on a donkey.

Lyndsey's thoughts as the Queen prepares for her diamond jubilee

While prince Harry is traveling to Brazil in march after a jubilee trip to Jamaica, Belize and the Bahamas the queen will be staying in England to get ready for her grand diamond jubilee which will mark 60 years of reign. In the news lately was a story about the queen will address the parliament joint session for jubilee. Sir George Young said the queen would address a joint session of parliament in Westminster hall on 20 March. In her gold and silver jubilee in 1977 and 2002 she made similar addresses. This all relates to me about a similar story in the bible about Jesus and his disciples. The idea of a important person being drawn into somewhere with a lot of people to celebrate something.

In the bible Jesus rides on a donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, it is a very popular screen where he is on a donkey and rides into the town while the community fan him with huge palm leaves and rides on and people put their robes and coats down fro him to ride on and also some small branches. The people sang the name of the lord to point out he was coming in peace. This story relates to the queen’s jubilee a lot. Jesus and the queen are too very different characters but they are iconic figures for young people to respect and to look up to. On the day of the jubilee the queen will be coming in a royal transport of some form and everyone will be watching her and recording the event like they did back in Jesus’s time that is why we have bibles now.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Phoebe's post: Jewellery raid at auction house

On Tuesday 430,000 pounds worth of jewellery from an auction house.
More than 300 items of jewellery they deactivated the alarm and the safe was open a member of soon discovered this.
There are descriptions of the suspect and staff are telling the police them.
Det Sgt Jane Lawson said: "We have been checking CCTV as well as making extensive inquiries to trace those responsible for the theft of this jewellery.”
A male was captured on the CCTV cameras so this plan of the persons has not gone to plan. In the bible the Ten Commandments state that stealing is a sin. So if Jesus was around now his teachings could change the way people feel about the sins they commit and would ask him for forgiveness.
 In Marks gospel Jesus release evil spirits from innocent people such as children and even some adults these people who have committed crimes have evil spirits in them they just need to learn to release them without Jesus.

People who work at the auction house to ask if the owners off jewellery shops have had someone asking to sell something.
I think that Jesus would stop this by telling the community about these things and.
 I also think that he would be a police man and that he would stop crime and preach to the criminal about their sins and would try and forgive them if they realise their sins.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Jake's thoughts

Inside the story of UK’s secret mission to defeat Gaddafi
British special forces were blending in with Libyan rebel fighters to help defeat Libyan leader, dictator and responsible for thousands of lives-Colonel Gaddafi. R.A.F fighters dropping in bombs, Navy ships in Libyan seas and troops undercover in Libya fighting the seemed, unbeatable Gaddafi.

Many Libyan civilians volunteered to fight against their leader due to his mass killing and unnecessary violence towards the people of Libya.
British forces were originally involved in Libya from a rescue mission on an oil rig, workers had been threatened by Gaddafi’s gunman and bandits.

Continued violence occurred in Libya from Gaddafi’s men, firing at ground forces and even aircraft taking off. It was thought that the undercover aspect of this operation was the lead to succession and brought Gaddafi to a halt.

DMMH says:  I wonder what Bible story we could use to think about this.  Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers" so maybe they shouldn't be fighting at all?

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Third form checking in

We're all here today in the computer room and this is our first post altogether. Over the next few weeks we will be doing this on a weekly basis.  We will take it in turns by house to be responsible for doing it. Watch this space!